Chapter 7 – page 17

The following oages will have plenty of content warnings, so beware. We're moving into the horror part of this scene.

Die folgenden Seiten werden jede Menge Inhaltswarnungen tragen, also Achtung. Wir treten in den Horror-Teil dieser Szene ein.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 7 – page 17

  1. I’m really curious, why are all the dead birds looking clockwise? Dinner ornament perhaps?

    1. Psst … they were looking anti-clockwise in my storyboard 😉

  2. Anti-clockwise…? That’s an interesting choice for the scene. Although a part of me is wanting to be paranoid & think there might be some hidden meaning or clue to what is going to happen next.🤔

    1. It’s a mystery to everybody… ~

  3. But, maybe I’m just seeing things that aren’t there. 😅

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